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Specific 3D Hologravure designs

3D Hologravure picture - You can see the difference between water printed in usual printing (middle of the picture) and the water printed in hologravure printing (bottom of the picture).

You can see the difference between water printed in usual printing (middle of the picture) and the water printed in hologravure printing (bottom of the picture).

scientific image in 3D Hologravure
scientific image in 3D Hologravure
scientific image in 3D Hologravure

Hologravure technology

scientific image in 3D Hologravure
3D hologravure - second genenation
3D hologravure design
3D hologravure design
3D hologravure design
3D hologravure - second genenation
3D Hologravure : fringes per design
3D hologravure virtual transparency
3D hologravure virtual transparency
different 3D hologravures planes
3D hologravure - third genenation
third generation of hologravure - 1999
different 3D hologravures planes
3D without moiré

several planes in space

different 3D hologravures planes

 - p. 4

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